Thursday, December 22, 2022

Cleaning The Bathroom

a) Semprotkan chemical ke semua area kamar mandi mulai dari wash basin, toilet bowl dan shower glass
b) Gosok semua permukaan yang diberi chemical dengan sponge c) Ganti semua towel yang kotor dengan yang bersih sesuai SOP d) Lengkapi amanities yang dipakai tamu ( consum by guest ) sesuai standard e) Bersihkan lantai kamar mandi dengan cara menggunakan OO towel dan mopping menggunakan cutter mop 7. Proses Dusting a) Proses dusting sebaiknya lakukan searah jarum jam untuk memastikan semua furniture tidak ada yang terlewatkan b) Setelah selesai lengkapi guest supplies yang digunakan tamu sesuai standard 8. Vacuuming the room Vacuuming lantai dari area yang paling jauh dari pintu dan berjalan mundur , pastikan semua lantai tidak ada yang terlewat dan bebas dari rambut 9. Check room ( Proses pengecekan kamar ) Memastikan ulang untuk semua kebersihan, kelengkapan, kerapian dan kesegaran ruangan kamar yang sudah dibersihkan untuk selanjutkan bisa di check

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Don't Get Caught Drunk Driving After Passing Your Breathalyzer Test

drunk, then you know that drunk driving is illegal in the United States. Is defined as driving while having a blood alcohol contain of 08 or higher. Alcohol can stimulate negative and destructive thoughts senses simultaneously. It makes people most at risk of poisoning when operating heavy machinery concentration confusing.

Dangers of drunk driving, especially the "rang" driving

The more a person is drunk, the greater the likelihood that people will know you can not drive. Dangers of drunk driving will often find themselves in a drunk driving: driving with a blood alcohol contain between .08 and .15. At this stage, people can have their sweet spots and believe they can do.

Some people hold a breathalyzer car for this situation. Using a breathalyzer, the people with the hope of removing the possibility of "Buzzed Driving", however, would like to drive with a blood alcohol contain level permitted by law (0:01 to 0:07).

Relying on a breathing can be like playing Russian roulette

The world is becoming more immune to errors due to increased technological capabilities. If the breathalyzer reading blood alcohol contain. limit, then people will assume it is true, even when it is between 0.07 and 0.08.

Do not take blood alcohol contain To read for granted, especially of cheap wine. The readings are not exactly accurate, and do not want to risk your driver's license, career, and freedom of drunken driving in your car when you read .071 .084 blood alcohol contain.

Could You Fool a Breathalyzer Test?

many spread around, suck on a penny sweets breathe, eat onions, garlic, eating, swallowing and chewing snuff is still high. These and many other techniques are refuted, a method proven to fool breathalyzer. This technique involves a simple variation of breathing pattern for to fool blood alcohol contain.

People have tried everything I can fool the breathalyzer test. I came across a case which I found very strange, and I may add the absence of hope. In 2004 a 59 year old Canadian, was arrested for DUI (driving under the influence)not pass test blood alcohol contain. It was clearly drunk driving, so that the agents took him to the station for testing. While in the back of a car drunk people vomiting, urinating and defecating himself. As the officer withdrew his men from the patrol, drunk took a handful of dirt and put it in her mouth, hoping to give false readings of blood alcohol contain. That sucks, but in vain.

It's amazing the lengths people will fool the breathalyzer. It is a fact that the breathalyzer works because of the way, no way enough to swallow anything you can fool the test. The proof is extracted from the air passing through the lungs and has nothing to do with the stomach or mouth.

How Breathalyzers Work

Sometimes a driver can pass the roadside sobriety test that the officer gives them, but still be over the legal limit and have their driving skills impaired (Freudenrich 1). For this reason, many police officers and state troopers use portable breathalyzers, like the one shown here:
Portable breathalyzer
There are also bigger units at the station that are used when the suspect is taken there. Blood alcohol contain concentration can be measured with blood, urine, saliva, or breath, but breath is the quickest and easiest way for an officer to test it in the field (Goldberg 41). Alcohol testing devices of the breath were first developed in the 1940s for police use (Freudenrich 2). There are three main types of breath alcohol testing devices: the Breathalyzer, Intoxilyzer, and the Alcosensor III or IV (Freudenrich 2).
The mouth, throat, stomach, and intestines absorb alcohol into the bloodstream. When the individual's blood passes through the lungs' air sacs, the alcohol moves across them as well, thus the concentration of alcohol in the breath is directly proportional to the concentration of it in the blood (Freudenrich 2). The breath alcohol to blood alcohol contain ratio is 2,100:1 (Freudenrich 2). This means that every 1 ml of blood has the same amount of alcohol in it as 2,100 ml of exhaled breath.
Dr. Robert Borkenstein invented the Breathalyzer, one type that is used by police today (Freudenrich 2). The Breathalyzer has 4 basic parts: the mouthpiece, which is a tube that the person blows air in, a sample chamber for the air, two glass vials, and a system of photocells (Freudenrich 2). The two glass vials contain a mixture of water, sulfuric acid, silver nitrate, and potassium dichromate (Freudenrich 2). The sample of breath that the person breathes in is bubbled through this mixture. The photocells are connected to a meter that measures the chemical reaction through a color change (Freudenrich 3).
The way the Breathalyzer works is though a fairly simple chemical reaction. When the person breathes into the mouthpiece, the air is collected in the sample chamber. From here, the air is bubbled through the mixture into the two glass vials where the following chemical reaction occurs
Breathalyzer chemical reaction
The sulfuric acid takes the alcohol from the air and puts it into a liquid solution, and then the alcohol has a chemical reaction with potassium dichromate (Freudenrich 3). This reaction produces water, potassium sulfate, chromium sulfate, and acetic acid (Freudenrich 3). The silver nitrate makes the reaction happen faster, but has no participation in the reaction (Freudenrich 3). When the dichromate ion reacts with the alcohol, it changes to a green chromium ion (Freudenrich 3). The level of alcohol in the expelled breath is measured by the degree of color change (Freudenrich 3). A vial of unreacted mixture in the photocell system is compared to this color-changed mixture to determine the amount of alcohol that was in the expelled breath (Freudenrich 3). The photocell system causes the needle in the meter to move by an electric current (Freudenrich 3). The person operating the Breathalyzer moves the needle back to its original position and then reads the number on the knob (Freudenrich 3). This tells how much alcohol was in the breath. The more the knob is turned, the higher the level of alcohol (Freudenrich 3).
The Intoxilyzer is based on the principles of IR (infrared) spectroscopy (Dombrink 135). This device has a greater accuracy in testing the presence of alcohol than the Breathalyzer, thus more states are beginning to use it (Dombrink 135). IR spectroscopy is based on the way different molecules absorb infrared light (Freudenrich 4). The vibrations of molecules change when IR light is absorbed and this causes the various bonds within a molecule to bend and stretch (Freudenrich 4). IR absorption happens at different wavelengths for each bond (Freudenrich 4). By knowing the wavelengths of the bonds in ethanol (drinking alcohol), the absorption of IR light can be measured (Freudenrich 4). From this measurement, the amount of alcohol in the breath can be computed (Freudenrich 4). There are four basic parts to the Intoxilyzer: the lamp, the broadband IR beam, the filter wheel, and the electrical pulse (Freudenrich 4).
A) Quartz Lamp D) Sample Chamber H) Microprocessor
(IR Source) E) Lenses
B) Breath Input F) Filter Wheel
C) Breath Outlet G) Photocell
The IR beam is generated by the lamp and this beam goes through the sample chamber to a lens where it's focused onto the filter wheel (Freudenrich 4). The filter wheel detects the wavelengths of the ethanol bonds, and then the light that passed though the wheel is detected by the photocell and transformed into the electrical pulse (Freudenrich 4). This pulse is then sent to be interpreted by the microprocessor and the blood alcohol contain is calculated based on this interpretation of the absorption of the IR light (Freudenrich 4).
The Alcosensor III or IV is based on fuel cell technology (Freudenrich 4). The fuel cell consists of two platinum electrodes with a acid-electrolyte substance in between them (Freudenrich 4). When the person's exhaled breath flows part of the fuel cell, the alcohol is oxidized by the platinum into protons, electrons, and acetic acid (Freudenrich 5). The electrons produced flow through a wire to a current meter and on through to the platinum electrode (Freudenrich 5). The protons combine one the other side of the fuel cell with oxygen and electrons and form water (Freudenrich 5). The greater the current is, the more alcohol that was in the person's breath (Freudenrich 5). The blood alcohol contain concentration is then computed by the microprocessor (Freudenrich 5).
All forms of breathalyzers are required to be used only by people trained to use them if the evidence is to be used in court (Freudenrich 5). This is why officers usually use a full-sized breath testing device back at the station (Freudenrich 5).

Dombrink, Kathleen J. "A Commercial Device Involving the Breathalyzer Test
Reaction." Journal of Chemical Education 73, no. 2 (1996) : 135.
Freudenrich, Craig C., Ph.D. "How Breathalyzers Work." 2000. HowStuffWorks, Inc. 11
April 2005
Goldberg, Raymond. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issue in Drugs and

Society, Sixth Edition. Guilford, Connecticut: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, 2004.

Drink Alcohol While Breast Feeding?

What did the doctor say?

"When women are breastfeeding drinking alcohol, some of which alcohol is

transferred to milk. In general, less than 2 percent of the amount of alcohol consumed by the mother came in milk and blood. Alcohol is not stored in breast milk, however, but the parallels are found in maternal blood. This means that, given mother's high blood alcohol contain levels, milk also contains alcohol. As a result, the general practice of pumping breast milk and then disposed of immediately after alcohol consumption does not accelerate the loss of alcohol from milk, fresh milk produced still contain alcohol as long as mother is measurable blood alcohol contain levels of alcohol. "The Effect of Alcohol on breastfeeding by Julie Mennella Ph.. D.

In translation, yes, if you drink alcohol while breastfeeding can result in babies system. "Pumping and dumping", it is to pump breast milk and then poured out useful measure because alcohol is not stored in the milk itself. Newly produced milk after pumping still contain alcohol. Pollution comes from his own blood.

However, a nursing mother can enjoy a glass of wine, provided enough time is given after the consumption of alcohol to be processed by the body just suggestion and check your blood alcohol contain after drink altough a glass of wine

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Could I Safely Consume Any Alcohol If I'm Going to Be Driving?

not safe to drink before driving or while driving, even beer or wine. In most states, you are legally intoxicated if their blood alcohol content was measured at 0.1 percent (1 part alcohol per 1,000 parts blood) or more. There are no simple rules for safe drinking because there are many factors that affect how quickly alcohol enters the bloodstream, including gender, weight, body fat composition, previous experience of drinking and amount of food your stomach. A 200 pounds of people who drink regularly and just eaten a full meal may be able to drink beer without drinking, while women 110 pounds with little or no previous experience are not eaten in six hours may not be. Furthermore, the effects of alcohol on reaction time, assessments, and other factors that affect safe driving varies between individuals. Studies have indicated a blood alcohol contain level of 0.04 percent and lower interference.

If you are taking and the need for the area by car, do not drive. Someone else is driving, call a taxi or take public transportation.

Root beer is a safe alternative for pregnant women and recovering alcoholics?

It is not necessary. By law, the only products labeled as "alcohol" is required to contain alcohol. Soft drinks may contain up to 0.5 percent alcohol. In comparison, domestic beer contains about 4.5 percent alcohol by volume and wine about 12 percent and you could comparable with tolerance limits blood alcohol contain in your country

Is Alcohol Really Enhance Creative Process?

a lot of people enjoyed after working as a way to clear the problem that day. Hereafter, the presence of up to 0.09 alcohol level or blood alcohol contain likely to have trouble with fine motor skills, but not very serious.

High levels of blood alcohol contain , until around 0:18 , which leads to more bed . At this phase, the drinker is still having a slow reaction time, performance problems are more serious common motor skills, often brings clumsiness and inability to walk straight . Alcohol acts very much in the central nervous system the current starting to affect vision and other sensations within the body, the real world that seems unreal or far away.

Nest Freud (2011) records from the now on, the surface typically causes a phase blood alcohol contain 0.18 titled "confusion" in which people experience headaches, puzzled, shock, where they are or what they're doing just a few seconds before the vision was greatly affected at the time and often resulted in double vision or complete inability to focus. In addition, on going actions in the central nervous system continues to affect the brain by creating a more emotional person. A bigger range of emotionally from an individual either angry or violent, too happy or easy to remove completely the point where you begin before drinking . Toxicity too sufficient harmful because the destructive did not appear normal, so the heavy for personal consumption because of nerves and sensory nerves to the brain is also delegates intoxicated like that, and not always in the same way. Therefore, the sensations painful dropped significantly. And those who were wounded when drunk is not possible to realize the seriousness until about intoxicated years.